Naturopathic care treatments designed for you.

Our Areas of Expertise

Chronic Infections and Environmental Toxins

We place an emphasis on diagnosis of chronic infections and viruses while taking a natural treatment approach where possible. Chronic infections and environmental toxin exposur can often be an underlying cause of ongoing chronic fatigue, joint aches/pains, immune dysfunction, infertility and can even lead to the development of certain types of cancers.

Women’s Health

We are trained to help women achieve optimal health, hormonal balance, and wellness at all stages of their life. In consultation, we will take the time to understand your concerns and unique lifestyle needs to create a customized plan that works for you. Whether you have perimenopausal symptoms or have started menopause, we have extensive experience with various hormone management modalities such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy – a safe and effective treatment that can help to alleviate symptoms and improve overall health.

In addition, we have specialized expertise in complicated hormone replacement or natural options for cases like early stage uterine cancers, BRCA1 or 2 mutations and cancer survivors struggling with menopausal symptoms.

Thyroid Management

There can be a number of underlying causes for thyroid dysfunction, whether it’s dietary, genetic, or immune related. Depending on the person's individual lab results and underlying cause, we can provide a range of support options, which may include a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications, nutrients, botanical medicine, as well as conventional pharmaceutical medication. 

Understanding parts of your story will also help us better understand the right treatment choices for you. In consultation, we will ask you questions like: How high are your stress levels? Are your hormones balanced? Do you have chronic underlying infections? Do you have celiac disease?

Adrenal Dysfunction

The accumulation of stress can have a dramatic impact on the body. Whether it’s changes in our personal life, poor sleep, or chronic pain, we take the time to focus on the internal and external factors that influence your body in order to correct them and put you on a path to recovery. We can help you assess your cortisol and identify the problem source and solution through various forms of functional and specialty lab testing.


Together, we will explore the underlying causes of your individual triggers to develop supportive plans designed to reduce inflammation, headache frequency, and severity. Our goal is to eliminate or reduce the need for prescription medication and ultimately support you in experiencing less discomfort and pain by taking a more natural approach.

Digestive Disorders

Naturopathic doctors are experts in gastrointestinal health and specialize in treating various digestive concerns including IBS, SIBO, GERD, acid reflux, dysbiosis, and yeast overgrowth. Together, we will take a deep dive into the functional aspect of the gastrointestinal system and analyze it as foundation to your overall health. 

To ensure an accurate diagnosis, we utilize various cutting-edge GI tests including IgG food intolerance testing, parasitology testing, the Triosmart SIBO Breath Test, and the Genova GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Testing which analyzes your microbiome, inflammatory markers, pancreatic function, dysbiosis, yeast overgrowth, bacterial infection, and parasite infections.

Food Intolerances

We focus on slower-paced food intolerances that are often more difficult to recognize and may show up days after you’ve eaten a specific food. The symptoms you experience could go beyond the typical GI symptoms like constipation, bloating, or indigestion. Instead, you may experience headaches, rashes, fatigue, eczema, increased joint aches, and chronic inflammation – without recognizing that it may be a sign of food intolerance. We will identify your symptoms and formulate a customized plan so that you can adjust your diet, eliminate trigger foods, and feel better from the inside out.

Wellness Care

Are you motivated to stay well and on track to living a healthy and happy life? We take an individualized approach to healthcare and work together with our clients to design treatment plans that support their lifestyle and wellness goals. We can create a plan to check your lab results, optimize your supplements, analyze your nutritional status, and develop a routine to maintain optimal health.

IV Therapy

We have specialized expertise and training in a variety of IV therapies.

Naturopathic Oncology

We provide specialized care for cancer patients who are in any phase of their process. This includes those who are currently undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to help reduce side effects, improve health outcomes, and enhance their quality of life during any phase of treatment. We use a variety of modalities including supportive approaches, immune stimulating therapies, support for chemotherapy induced neuropathy, side effect management from Tamoxifen and Aromatase inhibitor treatment, replenishment when necessary, and detoxification support when appropriate. 

Following conventional treatment, we also support patients by creating a holistic treatment plan focused on reducing their risk of recurrence and improving their overall health. We carefully consider how cancer treatment may impact your general healthcare needs moving forward to help you along your recovery process. This may include altered thyroid function, weight changes, nutritional deficiencies, radiation impacts, skin changes, immune dysregulation, and more. 

Do you have a genetic predisposition to cancer? 

If you have not been diagnosed with cancer but are undergoing preventative screenings or surgeries, Nolia Naturopathic can help. We offer additional support to those who are looking for preventative solutions and can create a personalized plan based on your specific health needs.

Our Healing Modalities

At Nolia Naturopathic Medicine, we intentionally designed our toolbox of healing modalities to give our patients everything they need to live and stay well.

Lifestyle Counseling

Nutritional Education 

Botanical Medicine

Nutritional Supplementation

IV Therapies

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Injection Therapies


Detoxification Protocols

Surgical Support Protocols

Functional Laboratory Assessments 

Pharmaceutical Prescriptions 

And More!

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